Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My First Day of Pre-K

Hey guys, I had my first day of Pre-K. It was pretty fun. On the first day I got to help with the calendar and I learned a song about the days of the week. We have a fish in our classroom named Nemo and someday soon I will be the fish helper. I can't wait to feed Nemo- that is probably the most fun job!

Mrs. Elsik taught us some of the rules like- no throwing toys and love one another. I told Mrs. Elsik that if I do something really, really bad at home I get a spanking with the spanking spoon. Mom says she hopes Mrs. Elsik doesn't call CPS..... I don't know what that means but mommy looked a little scared when I told her.

I think Mommy and Baby Jake miss me while I am at school. They are so excited to see me when I get home. Jake brings me "pink gum" when he picks me up from school. He can't wait until he is as big as me so he can go to school also.

That is it for now, gotta pick out my dress for my third day of pre-K!


Perri Speigner said...

Mary Grace! I am so proud of you. You are such a big girl! I can't believe you started school. I am so glad to hear that you are loving it. Let me know how feeding Nemo goes. I miss you sweet girl. Give Baby Jake kisses for me and keep me posted. Love you!

Kelly Davis said...


Wow-how you have grown! I can't believe you are going to school now 5 days a week! So is your fish Nemo orange? Well I can't wait to see you on Saturday! I heard you're really tall! You'll have to tell me all about school and show me how to blog too! See you in a few days!